Was talking to Rose one weekend she asked me if I knew about Cayenne Red pepper.She knew I came from agricultural background and hence the question.It appeared apparently that she was finding out the same for her brother.Her complete family had history of heart disease to be more specific heart attack. This was some information which would be definitely useful. To my bewilderment the pepper was really of medicinal value. It was suppose to cure Gastric problems,Circulatory problems,Rheumatic & arthritic pains. The patients suffering from these and many other disease are said to be taking the capsules and eating these peppers. Usually the patients suffering from the heart disease are put on statins. I believe that these artificial drugs would have some side effects in long run.Also, from this week i have started new breakfast of porridge. And I should admit i really like it as it keeps me full up to lunch time.
Cayenne Red pepper
- Taking Crystal for a walk
- Foggy Morning
What porridge ? I would like to know…I have discovered a new breakfast- Cerelac..
Cerelac + half spoon Protinex + Badam + cashew + 1 spoon Boost…
The mixture is done in 2 mins…
Porridge is actually made from oats, we get oat flakes here which i jsut boil them in milk and some prunes for taste and its done. If you do it in microwave would take 2-3 min,howvever if you have to do it on gas might take a little longer.
You might want to read this as well.
ohh..I am aware…I make this atleast twice a week..I add muesli and some cashew into it…