The data source view does not contain a definition for the table or view ‘dbo_Fact_xxxx’. The Source property may not have been set. Last week i was working on redeploying an existing cube to another server. While doing so i…
Restore Cube using XMLA
Solution- There are several ways to restore cube from one server to another. This time, we will restore cube using XMLA. This will create the file which we will use to deploy the cube. Open the file on SSAS server on…
Client unable to establish connection; Encryption not supported on the client
Task – Hook up the cubes to the SSAS which have been created previously. Errors on Processing the Cube Client unable to establish connection; 08001; Encryption not supported on the client A Connection could not be made to the DataSourceID…
Validating entities using Fluent Validation Library.
Problem: I have set of entities which are being used in service. And i need to validate them for following condition.Property is mandatoryProperty is a string of length 30Property has value either “PSHP” or “STOR”If property in point 4 has…
Validation using Data annotations .net Framework vs. Fluent Validation
Hello world!
Reading data from a flat file
Problem: Read the data from flat/delimited file which has huge number of columns Solution: Currently i am working on few integration projects and interesting ones too. Especially the last one as i had to get my tool out of my…
How to read command line arguments in .net
More than often when we write Console Application in .net , we are are required to parse the command line arguments. And most of the times just parsing the arguments is not the operation you do. You need to…
Importing Data from a flat file to SQL Server using SQLBulkCopy
Problem: Import a file with over 600,000 records which is around 250MB size. The import needs to be quick.Solution: Recently i was tasked with a carrier integration project. Now this carrier configuratiion file conatined data for 160 diffrent columns of…
Utilities to enhance development productivity
Recently i changed my job, which meant i had a brand new laptop. Now after you have got to used to a set environment for number of years suddenly this change means you feel slightly handicapped. And as…
Log in failed, Error 18456 Severity 14 State 58 and more
So i had installed SQL Server 2012 on my machine and i had used it from Visual Studio all worked fine. Till i decided to give access of my database to one of my team mate. When he…